I have seen hundreds of patients in my practice who have been injured in car accidents. Many people who came in for treatment of a condition seemingly unrelated to an accident have experienced a remarkable recovery after their injuries are treated. After listening to too many stories of years of pain and suffering, I made up my mind to put together a systematic way of helping my patients recover.

Despite what some would have you believe, even a low impact motor vehicle accident can wreak havoc on your life.

There are three keys to helping patients heal from a motor vehicle accident:

remove the "shock" of injury from the nervous system
reduce inflammation
restore motion to injured joints and organs

Once these goals are accomplished, healing can be very dramatic.

Injuries from motor vehicle accidents are a complicated topic -- so complex, in fact, that I am completing a book on the subject. You can click below to read a few chapters on some of the most important questions patients ask.

If There's No Damage to my Car, Why do I hurt so much? Meet Jennifer, the World's Unluckiest Driver

Top Ten Things You Can Do To Help Yourself Recover from a Motor Vehicle Accident

Recovering from a Motor Vehicle Accident